The Daily Allyndreth–Special Edition (18 June 2015, scenes from our Istanbul apartment)

Here are three pictures that don’t fit in any where else but I want to share with you…
Rooftop birds by AMS
There are 2 birds here, a seagull and a crow-like bird I don’t know.

Pigeon taking flight by AMS
This is a picture I caught of a pigeon starting to take flight.

minaret by AMS
This is a minaret that is on a building that has a mini mosque inside. We saw them praying last night.

All of these pictures were taken from my bedroom window. But the pigeon was taken on our balcony. The minaret was wired for the call to worship…30 FEET FROM MY WINDOW. And they had a 2 hour-before-dawn prayer!

See you all in Greece!!!!!!
:) Allyndreth

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