“1st day in Greece” by Tyrian (6/19/15)

Well, we made it. After a terrible experience in the airport and a really short flight, and a sleep through the night, we made it.  The first thing we had to do was find a bank and get a SIM card so mom could call dad should we split up to get food or something, and that went much longer than planned. The final thing we did was go on a tour of the city we are staying in, Thessaloniki (only because we are here from the flight). We ended up hopping off the tour by our rental car place and driving home in the car we got. Now we are eating pizza in our apartment. ( Originally, fader, moder, siter and siter were going to get food and leave me to replenish my sanity, but…. No such luck.) here some pictures from the tour.

Church of St. Demetrius by TAS
The church of saint Demetrius, who is the patron saint of Thessaloniki

Cool ruins in Thessaloniki by TAS
Cool ruins

Byzantine city walls in Thessaloniki by TAS
Byzantine city walls.

And a cool picture from us picking up the car.
Kids selfie, picking up rental car by TAS

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